Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm Back :)

My sister scolded me for not posting a blog all week long so here is a quick one so she doesn't get her panties all twisted in knot about it.

As I said in my last post my friend Diane was here for thanksgiving week so we did a lot of relaxing and I didn't take many pictures of it :/ I am a terrible blogger I know, A whole week together and I think we took one pic together...oops.

I will blog about our week and thanksgiving later, for now you can look at some silly pictures of me from last weekend when we did Hula's engagement pictures :) (which I cant wait to show you!!!)
"Shopping at a fruit stand"
Don't I look super convincing as I look adoringly at the fruit and vegetables??

ahhh this food is so exciting!!!
Matching Rain boots!!
This is probably the best photo of me from that day, It got soooo windy and I was about to fly off that bench, I had to use all my strength to hold up the reflector while Breanna got some shots, needless to say we didnt stay in that spot long.
It started to rain for a second so acted as an umbrella holder. It was obviously very exciting for me.

I wish someone could have taken pictures of me while Breanna took pictures of them. Now those would have been hilarious.
We realized that we should advertise that we include entertainment with our photo shoots.
Need someone to laugh to get a good smile?
No worries, I got your back!
I will dance, tell jokes, basically do whatever it takes to make you giggle.
Even if we are taking pictures in public where other people are watching I will dance and make a fool of myself to get a good picture. 
Now picture that ;)

See you soon :)

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